The bars next to the number show you how close they are to gaining enmity. The numbers 2, 3, and 4 next to other party members' icons show who of those three has the most to the least hate. That means this person has enmity on the targeted enemy. The second thing to note is your party's enmity bars. The enemy's attack animation does not matter only the cast bar does. If you are not in the zone when the cast bar fills, you will not be hit. If you are in the zone when this cast bar fills, you will be hit. Other times, this cast bar will simply show you how much time you have to move out of an orange AOE zone before you are hit by it. Sometimes, an enemy will begin to cast something nasty, and you will be able to interrupt them by using Brutal Swing. This will tell you what the enemy is doing. The one just above "FOCUS TARGET" is your focus target's cast bar (focus targets are great, you guys, put them someplace you'll see them and use them!). The one on top of Titan's health bar in the picture is your targeted enemy's cast bar. The first is the enemy cast bar, circled in green. There are three parts of the UI that will be invaluable for you as a tank. And if enemies need to die in a specific order-say, the bees in The Sunken Temple of Qarn needing to die first-this will help keep everybody on track. If you make a habit of marking your target #1 and Tomahawking it first, most folks will know to focus on that enemy first. You can set these to a hotbar or, if you're on console or controller, an expanded crossbar easily from the Signs section of the menu. If you have no particular kill order in mind, it's sufficient to just mark 1. Most of the time, the most useful of these will be the marks 1, 2, and 3 (there's also a 4, but if there are four enemies and 1-3 are marked, people can guess the unmarked one goes last). You have a number of marks available to you to help your party know what you're doing. In those cases, usually the DPS will need to kill the adds, because if you run toward them, you will turn the boss toward your allies. Sometimes, however, the boss will have dangerous frontal swing or cone attacks. If adds (extra enemies) show up, you may need to "pick them up." You will do this by switching targets and using Tomahawk or your enmity combo or, if there are several clumped up, Overpower. Just use Tomahawk, turn the boss around, and use your Heavy Swing > Skull Sunder ( > Butcher's Block) combo. When there is only one target, you do not need to use Overpower. On most boss fights, there will be one boss monster in the beginning of the fight. If you switch targets and no one is about to pull enmity off you, switch to the next target. If you switch targets and someone else is about to pull enmity off you, use the next part of your combo on that enemy.

I will explain that in the UI section below. When you switch targets, you can see your party members' enmity bars and determine if you need to attack this enemy again yet. I recommend switching targets between attacks. Later on, and on tougher fights, Overpowering occasionally will not be enough. TP management (and, if you use Flash, MP management) can be a major issue in longer or more hectic fights, so you may want to minimize Overpower use, and use this next technique for enmity maintenance instead. You might also use Flash if you have it (you can cross-class it if you have Gladiator to level 8). Every 2 or 3 combos, you can use Overpower again to make sure you're not losing enmity on the other enemies. These skills must be used in order, or you won't get the enmity bonus.

(party >) (you >) () (enemies >) ( Skull Sunder (and after level 30, > Butcher's Block). You do this by running to the other side of the enemies: You are expected to keep enemy AOEs (Area Of Effect-the orange cones and circles of pain) away from the rest of your party.Sometimes, you will need to pull them away from other enemies or patrolling monsters to make sure your party isn't overwhelmed. Sometimes, you can fight enemies where they are. You are expected to position the fight.Usually, you will only pull monsters that are linked to each other. You are expected to determine how much to pull at once.When a set of monsters are linked together, the first person to attack or be spotted by one of them will gain some enmity on all of them. This is so that you are the first person enemies see. You are expected to lead the way in dungeons.